Friday, July 15, 2011

Target Finds

I know you love Target as much as I do, otherwise you wouldn’t be excited about reading this! I shop at Target more than I ever should and I love it! I am recently trying to move to the Dollar Store and see what I can buy but I feel like I am cheating on Target! I feel like I can make it up to Target through their dollar section!

I recently saw some of the ABC stamps on another blog and thought to myself, I HAD TO HAVE THEM! I searched my local Target but no luck. I decided I wouldn’t stop so I went to another Target and searched and searched. I finally spotted them because some “grandma” had picked one out of two packs up! I quickly grabbed the other pack along with 2 packs of number stamps. The “grandma” seemed very startled by my move but held her ground. I watched her for a few moments to see if she was going to put them back. No luck, so I only got one back. ** Why do I call her “grandma”, because no teacher could possibly go into the dollar target sections and only pick that one package up.**

Anyways, here is some of my finds:


The first picture is of puzzles. I love these cute, easy puzzles and Target always has them for $1! I put them as a center for the kids. I buy like 10 a year. They fit really nicely in the large plastic crates!

The second is storage. The 4 small pencils trays I got for my math corner (Debbie Diller) and I can’t wait to use them. I got the larger ones last year for each table which worked nicely. This year, they were 2.50 instead of 1.00. I also got a purple paper tray for 2.50. The pink and the blue are actually from the dollar store and I love them!

The third picture is my random things. Of course you can see the stamps up front. I also bought mini expo markers and erasers! WAY CUTE! I’m really excited about the spinners on the left side for my math games I have been creating! Last, who doesn’t need super cute die cut letters for 1.00!

The fourth is another picture of the puzzles.

The last are oven grippers! They are SUPER CUTE and I am going to put them in the big book center. That way students can read with them and/ or act things out with them! WAY CUTE!

1 comment:

  1. gasp! you have the purple caddy that i need! :) i blogged about it earlier... it's from target, right?



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