7:30-8:10: Arrival/ Morning Work
8:15-8:45: Pull outs/ Specials
8:45-9:15: Morning Meeting and Calendar
9:15-10:20: Whole Group reading (switched kids)
10:25-10:34: MIRP (Monitored, Independent Reading Practice)
10:42-11:15: Lunch/ Bathroom
11:15-12:40: Small Group Centers
12:40-1:10: Recess/ Writing
1:10-1:20: Snack/ Show and Share
1:25-2:20: Math (whole group or small group)
2:25- Pack Up
2:30- Dismissal
This schedule was set for us. I wish I had longer to teach math but it is what it is. I'm hoping this next year we either don't have first lunch and/or first specials. If you have any good suggestions about how to do math in that small of a time, please let me know!
Here is the original linking party. Not sure how to link yet....
Thanks for linking up! To add a link in your post, highlight the text you want to have linking (like the name of a blog or website), click on the link button on the toolbar where you choose bold, underlined, or add a picture, then just copy and paste the web address into the box it provides.
Simply 2nd Resources